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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Who Still Buys Wite-Out, and Why?

In an article for The Atlantic, David Graham wonders, “Who Still Buys Wite-Out, and Why?”:

Christmastime is when the pens in my house get their ...

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Why Storms Are Necessary for Survival

In the 1980s, a research facility called Biosphere 2 built a closed ecosystem to test what it would take to eventually colonize space. Everything was ...

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The Town with No Hope for the Future

There was a small town that had been selected to be the site of a hydroelectric plant. The plan was to set up a dam across the river which would result ...

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Money ‘Guru’ Faces the Brevity of Life

“Most of us will live an amazingly long life and should not worry so much about dying young.” Those are the words of Jonathan Clements, 61, ...

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A Path to Faith: The Hubble View

Author Philip Yancey writes:

Where I live in the Rocky Mountains, you can see several thousand stars with the naked eye on a clear night. All of them belong ...

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Artist Is Sickened by Adam

Stephen Steele writes about sculptor Gillian Genser who was experiencing headaches, vomiting, hearing loss, confusion, and suicidal thoughts. For years, ...

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Schwarzenegger's Death Blame Game

In an interview with Danny Devito, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger despairs at the reality of death and wonders who’s to blame. When someone asked him ...

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‘Loneliest Sheep’ Rescued After Two Years

Britain's so-called "loneliest sheep," which was stuck at the foot of a remote cliff in Scotland for at least two years, has been rescued. ...

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Hope or Living Hope?

Admiral William H. McRaven writes about what he learned during Navy SEAL training that has helped him and could help anyone live a better life. Hope. ...

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What Do You Want on Your Tombstone?

Some years ago, a frozen pizza company was trying to figure out an advertising campaign to bring attention to their product. They designed a series of ...

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