Sermon Illustrations about Easter
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.
Google Vows to Solve Death
The longest any human has lived is 122 years, according to Guinness World Records. But the September 13, 2013 issue of Time magazine announced that Google ...
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N.T. Wright Illustrates the Good News of the Gospel
Imagine that you are sitting quietly in a café with a couple of friends when suddenly the door bursts open and in rushes a stranger with a wild, ...
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Willie Nelson Reflects on Death's Reality
Friends close to country music artist Willie Nelson say he was deeply affected by the loss of fellow artist Ray price, who died at 87 in December 2013. ...
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Not Knowing Who He was Slapping, Chicago Man Attacks Local Judge
While aggression and racist remarks are vicious and foolish at the best of times, a Chicago man recently learned that some people are particularly unwise ...
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Daughter Uses Dad's Credit Card; Adopts His Identity
Bryan Chapell writes in "Your New Identity”:
A number of you in the room are old enough to remember when you did not pay for gas at the pump. ...
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Christ's Resurrection Is a Giant Receipt
Think of Christ's resurrection as a store receipt. If you're in a department store and you buy some clothes, you should always ask for the receipt. ...
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Pop Culture's Zombie Craze Reflects Death-Fears
An article in the Wall Street Journal says, "By all observable metrics, zombies are totally hot right now." Another article claims that zombies ...
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Miracles or the Resurrection Don't Violate Nature's Law
Some people argue that miracles (like Christ's resurrection) are impossible because nature is a closed system and miracles would therefore violate ...
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Tim Keller: The Resurrection Will Restore All Things
Tim Keller tells the following story:
When my wife was growing up, every summer her family spent two weeks at a small compound of cottages on the shores ...
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The Shortest and Longest Living Animal
There is a cave in New Zealand that has an unusual species of glowworms. The inside of the cave is lit up (it's an extraordinary sight) by thousands ...
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