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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Johnny Depp on Death and Meaning

In an interview with Rolling Stone Johnny Depp magazine said:

I went around for years thinking, "Well, what's it all for? All this stuff that ...

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Father and Son Restore a Beautiful Old Car

Editor's Note: The following is a fictitious story but it's a beautiful way to illustrate God's work to restore his fallen creation or his ...

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Atheist Wonders if the Resurrection Is True

Alister McGrath, a former atheist who has become a believer in Christ, a theologian and a scientist, tells the following story about the first time he ...

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Tree Survives 9/11 and a Massive Storm

Naturalist Jane Goodall tells the true story about a Callery pear tree that had been planted near Building 5 of the World Trade Center. Since the early ...

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Doctor Explores the Medical Miracle of the Resurrection

Thomas A. Miller, a surgeon and researcher, explores the miracle of Christ's resurrection from a medical angle. Dr. Miller notes that the body contains ...

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Christ's Resurrection Disrupts Our 'Safe' Lives

A skeptical friend once asked pastor and author William Willimon, "Why do you need a supernaturally resurrected body of Jesus to make your faith ...

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Ancient People Understood the Miracle of Christ's Resurrection

Ken Davis writes about a woman who looked out of her window and saw her German shepherd shaking the life out of a neighbor's rabbit. Her family did ...

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How You'd Live after a Peek into Heaven

Author Peter Kreeft asks us to imagine the day when sin, death, and evil are finally defeated by Christ:

Suppose God took you on a crystal ball trip into ...

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Last Words of Famous Rock Stars

In his book, The Encyclopedia of Dead Rock Stars, rock historian Jeremy Simmonds writes, "When the final moment [of life] does arrive, even the most ...

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After a Long Sailboat Race, Announcer Welcomes Racers Home

Ever since he was a kid, Bob Goff had a dream to sail across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii. So Bob and four of his buddies entered the Transpac Race, a ...

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