Sermon Illustrations about Easter
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.
Death Is an Ugly Enemy, but Christ Has Overcome It
There is a school of thought in Christian circles that almost views death so much as a blessing that you are not allowed to cry …. [But in the ...
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The Power of Christ's Resurrection Bursts through Obstacles
Tim Keller tells the following story about the power of Christ's resurrection:
A minister was in Italy, and there he saw the grave of a man who had ...
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Research Points to Our Belief in an "Ordinary God"
Several years ago in Britain, researchers went door-to-door asking persons about their belief in God. One of their questions: "Do you believe in ...
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Book Ranks the Most Influential People Throughout History
In his book titled The 100, astrophysicist Michael Hart asks a provocative question: Who are the 100 most influential people in history? Of all the human ...
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Buddhist Poet Longs for a Deeper Hope
Author Os Guinness tells the hauntingly sad story about the beloved 19th century Japanese Haiku poet known as Issa. When he was a young child, Issa's ...
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Book Details How Famous Philosophers Died
Contemporary philosopher Simon Critchley describes how 190 of history's most famous philosophers died. Here are some of the most fascinating details: ...
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Man Blogs about His Own Death
"Here it is. I'm dead, and this is my last post to my blog." Those are the first words of the final blog post written by Derek Miller at ...
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We Must Follow the Facts about Christ's Resurrection
After analyzing 600 pages worth of arguments for and against the historicity of Christ's resurrection, Dr. Michael R. Licona concludes that "a ...
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Do Group Hallucinations Explain the Resurrection?
Christians sometimes hear the following rebuttal for Christ's resurrection: the disciples may have been well-intentioned, but in their grief and sorrow ...
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Headless Snake Points to Satan's Demise
As a kid, I loved Mission Sundays, when missionaries on furlough brought special reports in place of a sermon …. There is one visit I've never ...
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