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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Woman Spreads the News of a Living Christ

Following an Easter service, a woman approached a pastor I know and asked, "So what happened with Jesus after the Resurrection?"

"Well, ...

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Frustrated Christmas Shopper Lashes Out

A woman was doing her last-minute Christmas shopping at a crowded mall. She was tired of fighting the crowds. She was tired of standing in lines. She ...

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Jesus Christ as Paradox

Despite our efforts to keep him out, God intrudes. The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin's womb and an empty tomb. Jesus ...

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Man Blessed by Simple Testimony at Post Office

Pete Winn writes in "Citizen Link Update":

I was at the post office in the last days before Christmas. After helping me conduct my lengthy business, ...

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Watergate Proves the Resurrection

Charles Colson, convicted for his involvement in the Watergate scandal as an assistant to President Richard Nixon, writes:

When I am challenged on the ...

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Pastor Almost Loses Wife on Easter

David Coffin writes in Leadership Journal:

It was Good Friday. My house looked more like a set for Rescue 911 than a place of solemn preparation for the ...

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Stott on the Necessity of Christ's Pain

John Stott writes:

I could never myself believe in God if it were not for the cross. In the real world of pain, how could one worship a God who was immune ...

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A Debt Was Paid in Full

Author James Herriot tells of an unforgettable wedding anniversary he and his wife celebrated early in their marriage. His boss had encouraged him to ...

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Straying Sheep Endanger Themselves

Why do sheep have shepherds? Because it is the nature of sheep to stray and get in harm's way, whether that be from hungry wolves or steep canyons. ...

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Mel Gibson on the Resurrection of Jesus

"Without the resurrection, our faith is dead. The story's not complete without it."

—Director Mel Gibson, explaining why The Passion ...

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