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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Proof of the Resurrection

Science says if there is any such thing as infallible proof, it is the repetition of the same experiment.

Jesus rose from the dead, and Mary Magdalene ...

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Parable of Christ's Sacrifice

The mother of a nine-year-old boy named Mark received a phone call in the middle of the afternoon. It was the teacher from her son's school.

"Mrs. ...

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The Father at the Cross

Last week my son, Bjorn, got sick.

I took his temperature, and it was 102.5. The Children's Advil came out. He slugged down the appropriate dose for ...

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Horror at the Cross

It is curious that people who are filled with horrified indignation whenever a cat kills a sparrow can hear the story of the killing of God told Sunday ...

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Waiting for Final Resurrection

Two days have earned names on the church calendar: Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Yet in a real sense we live on Saturday, the day with no name. What ...

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Jesus' Unanswered Prayer

When Jesus prayed to the one who could save him from death, he did not get that salvation; he got instead the salvation of the world.

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Heaven Can Wait

When my five-year-old granddaughter returned home from a day at Children's Crusade, her brother asked her why she didn't go up to the altar when they ...

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Christ's Undisputed Control

Suppose you are alone in your house with your preschool children, and an intruder enters. If you doubt your power over the intruder, your house becomes ...

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Hurry to the Tomb

The Easter vigil gives us a sense of urgency as people hurry to and from an empty tomb.

We must shake off our comas and stupors and lazy sleeping. We must ...

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Laughter of the Redeemed

Easter is a feast and is celebrated as the feast of freedom. For Easter is the beginning of the laughter of the redeemed and the dance of the liberated ...

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