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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Secular Historian on a Clear Benefit from the Resurrection

The historian Paul Veyne calls himself an "unbeliever," and yet he extols the message of human dignity that we find in the sacrificial love ...

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Atheist Cold-Case Detective Investigates Jesus' Resurrection

What happens when a CSI-style forensic detective goes to Calvary to investigate what transpired after Jesus' crucifixion? J. Warner Wallace is a forensic ...

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The Reality of Broken Heart Syndrome

Diana Bass writes in a recent book:

On December 28, 2016, celebrated Hollywood actor Debbie Reynolds died at age eighty-four. The previous day, her sixty-year-old ...

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Church Pays Debt Instead of Elaborate Easter Service

Usually, at Easter, Wichita’s Pathway Church spends money on TV ads and direct mail to promote their Easter Sunday service. But in 2019 the church ...

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'Star Trek': What is Death?

Star Trek: The Next Generation was a Paramount/CBS television program that ran from 1987 to 1994. The basic philosophy of the series was atheistic and ...

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The 100 Day Fast of Emperor Penguins

Did you know that Emperor penguins spend about 4 months fasting as they watch over, care for, and incubate their eggs? This is a 100 to a 115 day fast! ...

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Atheist Philosopher Extols the Resurrection

Atheist philosopher Luc Ferry, author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Thought, credits Christianity with creating the novel idea that all ...

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Famous Author Revolted Against Death

In his recent book, Matthew Levering writes:

The famous American writer Susan Sontag died of cancer in 2004 at the age of 71. When her cancer returned ...

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This City Museum Is Made of Junk

Cyd Holsclaw and Geoffrey Holsclaw write in their book, Does God Really Like Me?:

A transformation by love is on full display at the City Museum in St. ...

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Retiree Has Driven 64,000 Miles Helping Low-Income Students Get to College

It was a few days before Christmas, and Paul Goetchius looked like a dad picking up his daughter from college—greeting the smiling young woman outside ...

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