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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Atheist Christopher Hitchens Discredits Liberal Minister

In 2009, Marilyn Sewell, the retired minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon, interviewed Christopher Hitchens, one of the most famous ...

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Keanu Reeves’ Morbid Thoughts

Keanu Reeves has been thinking a lot about death, said Alex Pappademas in GQ.com. Sometimes, the actor, 54, sits in his Hollywood Hills home and wonders ...

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Easter is the Joyful Catastrophe

Do you know what the word gospel means? Euangelion. It means literally the joy news. J.R.R. Tolkien, says there’s a kind of story … that ...

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Instruments of Death Become Symbols of Eternal Life

During World War II General Douglas MacArthur wanted an island airfield from which to launch his forces and so he invaded the Indonesian island of Biak. ...

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Remembering the Gift of Life

In an interview on NPR’S Fresh Air, Joshua Mezrich, an associate professor in the division of multiorgan transplantation at the University of Wisconsin ...

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Miracles, Evidence, and the Duck-Billed Platypus

If miracles are impossible, then the resurrection of Jesus could not have occurred, and we must look for some natural explanation of the events. But if ...

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The ‘Easter Effect’ and How it Changed the World

In a Wall Street Journalarticle, George Weigel gives a combination history lesson and apologetic for the Resurrection:

There is no accounting for the rise ...

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Global Search Finds Blood Donor for Three-Year-Old Cancer Patient

Three-year-old Zainab Mughal, who lives in Florida, requires frequent blood transfusions for cancer treatment. There are over 300 different blood types, ...

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God’s Power in Unexpected Places

Richard Dawkins is the author of The God Delusion. He was formerly Professor for Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He once debated ...

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The Harmony of the Gospels is like Reporters at Sports Event

In his book, Faith Is Like Skydiving, Rick Mattson illustrates the reliability of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and resurrection by drawing ...

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