Sermon Illustrations about Emotions
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Emotions to help bring your sermon to life.
Entering by the Service Door
He was a preacher at the turn of the century. His name was Washington Gladden, and he was as well known in that day as Billy Graham is known in ours. ...
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You Can't Relive the Past
Many religious people lament that the first fervors of their conversion have died away. They think--sometimes rightly, but not, I believe, always--that ...
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Applause in Worship
Applause is like a wet puppy--once let in the house it is difficult to control. Some aspects of vitality are not appropriate in a worship service. Also, ...
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Masters of Our Consent
We are not masters of our own feeling, but we are by God's grace masters of our consent.
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Lust Kills
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources reports that more than 17,000 deer die each year after being struck by motorists on state highways. According ...
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