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Sermon Illustrations about Emotions

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Emotions to help bring your sermon to life.

Responsibility for Emotions

You're responsible for what you do with your feelings, but you can't help having feelings. Feelings are.

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Feeling Isn't Everything

Ecstasy is no guarantee of orthodoxy or that Christian fruit will result.

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Buried Anger Will Explode

In a 1994 article, "Wars' Lethal Leftovers Threaten Europeans," Associated Press reporter Christopher Burns writes: "The bombs of World ...

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Mistaken Perception

I certainly don't think that the death required that "ye be born again," is the death of reason. ... One of the effects of modern liberal ...

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Entering by the Service Door

He was a preacher at the turn of the century. His name was Washington Gladden, and he was as well known in that day as Billy Graham is known in ours. ...

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You Can't Relive the Past

Many religious people lament that the first fervors of their conversion have died away. They think--sometimes rightly, but not, I believe, always--that ...

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Applause in Worship

Applause is like a wet puppy--once let in the house it is difficult to control. Some aspects of vitality are not appropriate in a worship service. Also, ...

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Masters of Our Consent

We are not masters of our own feeling, but we are by God's grace masters of our consent.

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Lust Kills

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources reports that more than 17,000 deer die each year after being struck by motorists on state highways. According ...

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