Sermon Illustrations about Expectation
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The Spike in Google Searches for Hope
For the past five years, one of the most searched terms on Google has been “hope.” It has outpaced searches for political upheavals, technological ...
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The Town with No Hope for the Future
There was a small town that had been selected to be the site of a hydroelectric plant. The plan was to set up a dam across the river which would result ...
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Halloween Parade Unmasked as Hoax
On October 31, 2024, thousands of people descended upon O'Connell Street in Dublin, Ireland, to witness a Halloween parade. They waited, and waited ...
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The Secret to a Younger You
In 1979 Dr. Ellen Langer, a Psychology Professor at Harvard, designed a weeklong experiment for a group of 75-year-old men. The men knew very little about ...
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Stop Swiping, Start Settling
Married people average 30 percentage points more happy than unmarried Americans. So, there’s a lot at stake when one swipes left or right. In an ...
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A Million Gen Zers Reject Digital Dating
Online dating is so last year.
According to a report, popular dating apps have seen a major dip in usage in 2024, with Tinder losing 600,000 Gen Z users, ...
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2024 Word of the Year Fuels ‘Magical Thinking’
The word "manifest" has been named Cambridge Dictionary's word of the year for 2024, after celebrities such as pop star Dua Lipa and gymnast ...
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Childhood Love of Mail Replaced with Adult Fear of Mail
As 29-year-old Neha Wright checked her mailbox and brought in the latest batch of bills, she realized the moment had finally arrived: Her childhood love ...
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Gen Z Workers Demoralized by Inconsistent Standards
According to Business Insider, a big turn off for Gen-Z workers is what workplace experts call “a double bind.” Jeanie Chang is an expert ...
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Do Hallmark Movies Have a Typical ‘Happy Ending’?
The Hallmark and Lifetime networks are known for their holiday movies each year. They bring in impressive television ratings, perhaps aided by how easy ...
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