Sermon Illustrations about God, wrath of
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on God, wrath of to help bring your sermon to life.
Fear of Being Buried Alive
Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...
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Mystery Writer Explains the Wrath of God
In a novel by the British mystery writer P.D. James, a detective shares a common sentiment, saying, “I don’t go for all this emphasis on sin, ...
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Will the Gates of Hell Be Closed Forever?
Drive three and a half hours north of Turkmenistan’s capital, into the flat, seemingly empty desert. In the middle of nowhere, you’ll see ...
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Can a Loving God Also be a Judging God?
Timothy Keller writes “In A Reason for God”:
In Christianity God is both a God of love and of justice. Many people struggle with this. They ...
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NY City Judge Upholds Doctrine of Divine Retribution
On September 2, 1990, a murder occurred in New York City that horrified the nation. The Watkins family from Provo, Utah, a father and mother with their ...
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The Military Doctrine of Shock and Awe
In 1996 two military strategists, Harlan Uliman and James Wade, started advocating a more focused approach to war. Uliman and Wade argued for engaging ...
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Tim Keller Defends a Judging God
Tim Keller says:
In one of my after-service discussions a woman told me that the very idea of a judging God was offensive. I said, "Why aren't ...
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Two Human Traffickers Brought to Justice
Incredible perseverance paid off for a team from the International Justice Mission in Cebu, Philippines. After an eight year legal struggle, two traffickers ...
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When Wrath Is Appropriate
In Fleming Rutledge's new book, The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, she acknowledges the difficulty that modern people have ...
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'God Is Watching What You Are Doing'
Somewhere in Eastern Europe, an SS officer watched languidly, his machine gun cradled, as an elderly and bearded Hasidic Jew laboriously dug what he knew ...
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