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Sermon Illustrations about Good Shepherd

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Good Shepherd to help bring your sermon to life.

Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd

A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...

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Film Portrays Good Shepherd Protecting His Flock

In the film Greyhound, actor Tom Hanks plays the captain of a US destroyer that is commanding the escorts of a 37-ship convoy. They are crossing the Atlantic ...

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Trucker Guides Couple Through Severe Rain Storm

In a post on Facebook, Emily Clarke wrote that she and her husband “encountered one of the most severe storms” while driving through North ...

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Neurosurgeon Stitches up Stuffed Bear at Young Patient’s Request

Daniel McNeely is a pediatric neurosurgeon in Halifax, Nova Scotia, so he’s used to fielding questions from nervous parents and patients. But it ...

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The Woman Who Gets Lost Every Day

Mary McLaurine has an unusual condition called developmental topographical disorientation, or DTD. This means she can't form a mental map or image ...

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Shepherd Falls Asleep While Sheep Cause Nuisance

The Telegraph, a British newspaper reported that a flock of over 1,300 sheep "had to be rounded up by police in the Spanish city of Huesca after ...

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Psalm 23 without God, the Shepherd

Here's what Psalm 23 looks like when we remove the Shepherd from our lives:

1 my ... I shallbe in want.

2 me ... me

3 my soul ... me

4 I walk through ...

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Sheep Recognize Their Shepherd's Distinct Call

In Palestine today, it is still possible to witness a scene that Jesus almost certainly saw two thousand years ago, that of Bedouin shepherds bringing ...

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True Commitment to the Good Shepherd

"The Lord is my Shepherd" is written on many more tombstones than lives.

—Dallas Willard, U.S. philosopher and writer (1935—2013)

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Straying Sheep Endanger Themselves

Why do sheep have shepherds? Because it is the nature of sheep to stray and get in harm's way, whether that be from hungry wolves or steep canyons. ...

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