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Sermon Illustrations about Hearing God's voice

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hearing God's voice to help bring your sermon to life.

A Sweet, Soft Voice Saved His Life

Eduardo Rocha shares his dramatic testimony in an issue of CT magazine:

It was March 13, 1986, I was all alone and getting high. But I had also gotten ...

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Guidance - More than a Feeling

Watson Thornton was already serving as a missionary in Japan when he decided to join the Japan Evangelistic Band. He decided to travel to the town where ...

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Sport Designed for Visually Impaired Athletes

Top athletes around the region convened in early February for the Cascade Classic, the Northwest Goalball Regional Tournament. If you’ve never seen ...

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Air Traffic Controller Guides Passenger to Land Plane

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, a passenger with no flight experience called Air Traffic Control in Fort Pierce, Florida airport and said, “I’ve ...

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After All the Altar Calls

In his testimony in CT magazine, Johnathan Bailey tells how he went from repeatedly “getting saved,” to eternal life in Christ.

Jonathan grew ...

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Skier Trusts His Father’s Voice

Jacob Smith, is a 15-year-old legally blind freeride skier. Jacob has extreme tunnel vision--and no depth perception on top of that. What he does see ...

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Trusting the Announcer

To illustrate that God’s people are a trusting people, pastor John Onwuchekwa tells about watching the 2021 NCAA Men’s basketball championship ...

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Stressed People Pay for Solitude

During the pandemic, many of us turned to smartphones and screens to manage our stress. But as public life opens up again, some are looking for a different ...

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A Light on the Stairs

Singer-song-writer Sandra McCracken writes in an issue of CT magazine:

I live in an old house. Along with the charms of age, this old house has some surprises. ...

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Beethoven and the Gift of Silence

In 1801, at the age of 30, Ludwig van Beethoven complained about his diminishing hearing: “From a distance I do not hear the high notes of the instruments ...

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