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Sermon Illustrations about Hearing God's voice

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hearing God's voice to help bring your sermon to life.

Jeff Goldblum Turned Down Call to Be the Voice of Siri

You know him as the smart, nerdy dude from Jurassic Park and Independence Day. But if things had turned out differently, Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum ...

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Let God Take the Wheel

Forty-seven-year-old Anthony Oliveri was riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle down a busy street in Indiana when he was struck by another vehicle. Oliveri ...

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Being Guided Through Prayer

In the book The Cross and the Switchblade, Pastor David Wilkerson mentions the time he was going through a period of restlessness in his spirit. Although ...

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Biggest Millennial Struggle? Decision Fatigue

Tess Brigham, a licensed psychotherapist, specializes in treating those in the millennial generation. It wasn’t her decision; they just came flocking ...

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Texas Judge Accidentally Forces Own Resignation

Judge William McLeod, a few months into his post as a civil court judge, thought he was on solid legal ground when he filed a set of paperwork and updated ...

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Gut Health Instrumental in Shaping Thought Patterns

Have you made a gut decision? Or have you experienced a gut check moment? Have you ever made a decision going with your gut? According to reporting from ...

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The Mystery of Guidance

Wendell Berry writes in his book “Jayber Crow”:

Often I have not known where I was going until I was already there. I have had my share of ...

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Study Debunks 'Find Your Passion' Advice

Americans love to say things like "follow your passion," "pursue your dreams," or "do what you love and love what you do." ...

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The Amazing World of Hearing

Mark Batterson describes the amazing ability of the human ear in his book Whisper:

The act of hearing is detecting vibrations of the eardrum caused by ...

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Americans Face a 'Choice Explosion'

A few years ago, a researcher asked 100 American and Japanese college students to take a piece of paper. On one side, they wrote down the decisions in ...

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