Sermon Illustrations about Human Body
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Body to help bring your sermon to life.
Gen Z Has Profound Anxiety About Aging
Anxiety around aging may be universal, but recently some members of Gen Z have been voicing acute distress. A few widely circulated social media posts ...
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Expert Says Few Will Live to 100
The longevity business is booming. People are flocking to longevity meetings and taking compounds they hope will extend their lives. Investors are backing ...
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Teen Cannabis Use Causes Later Life Problems
Two researchers from New Zealand set out to study “Cannabis Use and Later Life Outcomes.” They published the results of their research in ...
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The World's 50 Million Slaves
49.6 million. According to the Global Slavery Index that's the latest estimate for the number of slaves in the world today. It could be just another ...
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When Do People Finally Take Their Health Seriously?
Going to the doctor can seem tedious as a child and even as a teen, but it might surprise you to find out how long it really takes people to actually ...
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How Rembrandt Revised Portrayals of Jesus
What did Jesus really look like? Western art has frequently stumbled over the contradiction between the ascetic figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the iconography ...
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Artist Is Sickened by Adam
Stephen Steele writes about sculptor Gillian Genser who was experiencing headaches, vomiting, hearing loss, confusion, and suicidal thoughts. For years, ...
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Anger’s Negative Effect on Our Heart
Anger is bad for your health in more ways than you think. Getting angry doesn’t just hurt our mental health, it’s also damaging to our hearts, ...
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Celine Dion Finds Life Purpose Through Struggle
Suffering and struggles can open the door to discovering true meaning in life. This is what Celine Dion learned after her diagnosis with Stiff Person ...
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Paralympic Athletes Protest ‘Classification Doping’
The Paralympic Games is a celebration of athletic achievement for those with physical disabilities. It has been marred by a growing concern: “classification ...
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