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Sermon Illustrations about Humanity of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humanity of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

The Fascinating Anatomy of the Presidential Motorcade

When the President of the United States travels by car, the Presidential motorcade is both the safest and the riskiest convoy on the planet. This globe-trotting ...

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Learning to Pray from an Expert

Most of us are probably so familiar with the Lord’s Prayer that we never stop to think what an amazing thing it is that we have this prayer. What ...

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The Marvel Multiverse God Is Surprisingly Human

Who is the most-powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse? It’s not Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, or Thanos, but someone called “the One Above ...

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Human Alexas Are Sick and Tired of Amazon Name Bullying

Women and girls across the nation are lamenting the notoriety of their name being associated with virtual assistants. Since the release of Amazon’s ...

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Most Americans Don’t Believe Jesus Existed Before the Manger

Christmas is a celebration of a real event, according to most Americans. Just don’t expect them to know exactly why Jesus was born and came to earth. ...

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15th-Century Ming Dynasty Bowl Discovered at Yard Sale

A small bowl bought for just $35 at a yard sale in Connecticut has turned out to be a rare 15th-Century Chinese artefact. The white porcelain bowl was ...

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Christmas in a Foreign Country

Ryan and Morgan, adopted a child from an orphanage in another country. They'd passed through all the legal processes in that country. Charlie was ...

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The Gift of Wrapping

Jeff Peabody writes in a Christmas issue of CT magazine:

Several years ago, I decided to write a daily Christmas blog post on our church blog. So, I decided ...

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Elvis Loses Elvis Impersonator Contest

Elvis Presley used to frequent Lil Thompson’s Steakhouse in Tennessee. He was good friends with the owner who used to give him free food before ...

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No Seat for the CEO

Pastor Kevin Miller writes:

One year when I was working in publishing, we had our annual staff Christmas Party. There were about 150 people in the room ...

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