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Sermon Illustrations about Humanity of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humanity of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

What Ants Taught Becky Pippert

When Rebecca Pippert was an agnostic, she had one question she continually wrestled with: How can finite limited human beings ever claim to know God? ...

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Treat Me like a German Shepherd

How far would you go to understand the struggles of someone else? How close would you get? Consider the sacrifice of Kris Rotonda. Many thought he was ...

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We Want our Superheroes to Identify with Us

Since 1939, Stan Lee created or co-created some of the world’s most popular superheroes. His super-human imagination gave birth to Black Panther, ...

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The Miracle of Christmas

In an article for Christianity Today Rebecca McLaughlin writes:

I’d just read my four-year-old the story of the angel Gabriel meeting with Mary. ...

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God Himself Stepped into the Gospel Story

In describing the incarnation Jill Carattini wrote:

Novelist Kurt Vonnegut once said of one of his most recurrent characters, “Kilgore was the only ...

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People Did Not Recognize In-Person Celebrity

A few years ago, The Edge, U2's guitarist, took his son out trick-or-treating in L.A. Both The Edge and his son dressed in The Edge's trademark ...

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Father Spends a Week on the Streets with Homeless Son

A San Diego father (who wants to be known as “Frank”) believed his son, a homeless, heroin addict living on the streets in Denver, was on ...

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The King Who Became a Commoner for Love

There was no question he loved her. He was absolutely bedazzled by her. Surprising, really, because she was plain, maybe even… well, (to someone ...

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'Bus Driver from Heaven' Rescued Children from California Wildfire

Kevin McKay drove the school bus along gridlocked, dark roads as pockets of fire burned all around. Nearly two dozen elementary school children were on ...

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Neurosurgeon Stitches up Stuffed Bear at Young Patient’s Request

Daniel McNeely is a pediatric neurosurgeon in Halifax, Nova Scotia, so he’s used to fielding questions from nervous parents and patients. But it ...

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