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Sermon Illustrations about Humility

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Humility to help bring your sermon to life.

When Eugene Peterson Yelled at a Child Picking Flowers

The late pastor and writer Eugene Peterson once told a story about walking in Yellowstone Park with his wife and three children. Peterson wrote:

As my ...

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Lord Have Mercy on Us

In a survey, two in three Americans told LifeWay Research, “Yes, I am a sinner.” But on what to do about it, self-confessed sinners were split. ...

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Retirees Volunteer in Radioactive Nuclear Plant

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was heavily damaged in 2011 by a tsunami, resulting in three meltdowns. 200 Japanese retirees volunteered to fix the ...

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NBA Player Dedicates Big Night to Grandfather

Anfernee Simons, fourth year guard for the Portland Trail Blazers, has been carrying the burden of high expectations. After spending two years mostly ...

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Famous Author Walks Humbly with Jesus

Gary Chapman has been a household name since the mid-1990s after publishing his book that helped people discover their primary ways of giving and receiving ...

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Actress Takes Social Media Break to Control Her Ego

In a recent issue of Women's Health, actress Lauren Cohan (Maggie Greene on The Walking Dead) explains how she discovered a way to avoid the comparison ...

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15th-Century Ming Dynasty Bowl Discovered at Yard Sale

A small bowl bought for just $35 at a yard sale in Connecticut has turned out to be a rare 15th-Century Chinese artefact. The white porcelain bowl was ...

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Music Superstar on the Value of Criticism

In a recent issue of GQ, The Weeknd (real name Abel Tesfaye), recently sat down to discuss his music and of course his recent snub by the Grammys. The ...

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Engineers on the 'Titanic' Lay Down Their Lives for Others

When the Titanic crashed into an iceberg, the ship’s resources--light, electricity, heat, and so on--instantly were in danger of failing. However, ...

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Machiavelli: ‘Jesus Was a Nice Guy Who Finished Last’

Niccolò Machiavelli was a Renaissance era philosopher, politician, and writer. His writings greatly influenced modern political science. The following ...

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