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Sermon Illustrations about Idolatry

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Idolatry to help bring your sermon to life.

Popular Relaxation Practice Invokes ‘Spirit Guides’

Reiki is a relaxation practice that claims it promotes physical and emotional healing. The International Center for Reiki Training reports that more than ...

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But What if Science is Wrong?

Wrongly applied, science itself can become a religion, and the scientific method a Bible. In But What If We're Wrong?, Chuck Klosterman addresses ...

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Advertising Invites People to Cult-Like Devotion

Ad executive Douglas Atkin notes that a transformation has taken place in what's expected of the typical ad executive at a major corporation. Rather ...

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The Neglected Name of God

In his book, Chuck Bentley writes:

There's a name for God that we seldom ever use. I know I don't use it very often. That name is Jealous. Sounds ...

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Why Do So Many Egyptian Statues Have Broken Noses?

Here’s the most common question from visitors to Brooklyn Museum's Egyptian art galleries: Why are the statues’ noses broken?

Edward Bleiberg, ...

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Doctor Notes Rise in 'Selfie Wrist' Cases

It's a sign of the times--and maybe a sign of our culture. People are taking so many selfies, they're getting "Selfie Wrist." Tina Choi, ...

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The Amazing Influence of British Missionaries Worldwide

The Spectator, one of Britain's leading weekly newsmagazines ran an article entitled "Amazing Grace," Journalist Colin Freeman wrote about ...

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Teens Cling to Destructive Social Media

In her book American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers, researcher Mary Jo Sales reports a conversation with a teenage girl at a mall ...

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Van Pulled Over for Mountain of Belongings Strapped to Top

Most anyone who has ever moved to a new home at one point or another knows the challenge of trying to pack the most items possible into a car, van, or ...

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Are We Enslaved to the Internet?

New York Times writer Ross Douthat wrote an article warning people about what he called "the real threat to the human future." What is it? Douthat ...

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