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Sermon Illustrations about Impatience

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Impatience to help bring your sermon to life.

Russian Comedian Discovers American Grocery Stores

When the Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff immigrated to the United States, he said that the thing he loved most about America was the grocery stores. He ...

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The FAA Cautions Pilots about Speed Limits

There's a very important letter that every pilot-in-training needs to learn about—the letter V, short for velocity. V-speeds are derived from ...

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Tony Dungy Learned Patience from His Father

Former pro football star and coach Tony Dungy told the following story about his father's Christian character:

My dad was usually a quiet, thoughtful ...

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Visit to Calcutta Orphanage Reveals a Woman's Sinfulness

During an extended visit with Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, Dr. Mary Poplin discovered the depths of sin in her own heart. It happened ...

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Starbucks Baristas Told to Slow Down

Starbucks, stung by recent customer complaints, has instructed its baristas to start slowing down as they make drinks. Surveys have revealed that many ...

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The Power of "Redemptive Waiting"

In a sermon, Pastor Bryan Wilkerson shared the following story:

Years ago I visited one of my kids' pre-school classes. On this particular day, the ...

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Most Common Complaints Men Have About Women—and Vice Versa

University of Louisville psychologist Michael Cunningham recently did an extensive study of the most common complaints men and women have about each other. ...

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Mother of Addict Discovers She's an Addict, Too

[My daughter], Allison,* came home for the weekend. She opened the door, didn't speak, and dropped her duffel bag. Smudges of mascara circled her ...

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Teenager Escapes Jail in Friend's Suitcase

There is a huge difference between being smart and being wise.

Exhibit A is the story of Steffi Krause, age 17. She and her 19-year-old friend were in ...

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Thrown Brick Gets Executive's Attention

As Josh was sailing down a Chicago neighborhood street in his two-month-old, 12-cylinder Jaguar XKE, a brick sailed through the air and struck its shiny, ...

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