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Sermon Illustrations about Importance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Importance to help bring your sermon to life.

Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards

Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...

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Anthony Hopkins on Happiness

Eighty-three-year-old actor Anthony Hopkins won the Oscar for Best Actor at the 2021 Academy Awards. In an interview soon after, he was asked about being ...

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Defining 'Success' and 'Failure'

Pastor Rico Tice writes, “I’ll never forget the funeral at which an old lady said to me, ‘Rico, do you know what failure is?’ ...

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Rising Levels of Youth Anxiety and Expectations

Researcher Joseph E. Davis recently (2020) reflected on the increasing levels of anxiety among young people. Davis claims that we can trace some of the ...

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Congregation of One Makes Big Decision

After his ordination in 1969, author and pastor Phillip Johnson received a call to serve one large church and ten smaller churches on the northern coast ...

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Master Violinist Goes Unrecognized

Joshua Bell emerged from the Metro and positioned himself against a wall beside a trash basket. By most measures, he was nondescript—a youngish ...

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"The Great Raid": The Glory of the Mission

The movie The Great Raid is based on the true story of the largest mission to rescue American POWs in WWII. Over 500 American captives had been taken ...

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Everything Under the Sun Counts

Frank Capra, who directed It's a Wonderful Life, was asked years ago about the central message of his classic film. After thinking a few moments, ...

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Delayed Recognition

On a plaque marking Abraham Lincoln's birthplace near Hodgenville, Kentucky, is recorded this scrap of conversation:

"Any news down t' the ...

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