Sermon Illustrations about Innocence
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Innocence to help bring your sermon to life.
All Your Fault
"You were right. Talking through the problem brought us to an agreement--that it's all YOUR fault."
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Egg on His Face
He looked like the consummate professional--young, well-dressed, well-groomed. He exuded intelligence, experience, and confidence. I was standing by the ...
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Children Need Redemption, Too
Let's not be too sentimental. Regardless of the innocent beauty of children, they need redemption.
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Praying Before Meals
Our three-year-old grandson, Daniel, stayed with us while his parents went on a weekend trip. As usual, we bowed our heads as my husband prayed out loud ...
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Christmas Without Santa
I'm not sure anyone can experience what Christmas really means without confronting that sense of lost innocence and the potential for disillusionment ...
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The Pure in Heart
Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not to envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.
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