Sermon Illustrations about Job
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Job to help bring your sermon to life.
NFL Player's 10,363 Consecutive Snap Streak Ends Humbly
In the world of professional football, certain players get the most glory and recognition, like quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers, or even certain ...
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Employee's Small Act of Kindness Rewarded By Warren Buffet
Joel Prusak was an employee at the ice cream chain Dairy Queen. One day, as he was serving customers their food, he noticed that a blind man had dropped ...
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Memos from the 'World's Worst Boss'
Do you think your boss is tough or unfair? Try working for the world's worst boss—Mike Davis, aka Tiger Mike. Davis started as a chauffeur and ...
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Researchers Estimate Cost of Avoiding Conflict
New research has revealed that employees waste an average of $1,500 and an 8-hour workday for every crucial conversation they avoid. These costs skyrocket ...
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Six Ways People Find Meaning in Work
American essayist, historian, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau wrote: "It is not enough to be industrious. So are the ants." The British ...
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Church Starts a Subway Franchise to Provide Jobs
A church in Buffalo, New York has found a unique way to bless its local community—open a Subway franchise in its building. In a riff off the popular ...
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The Parable of the Resistance Leader
Is it rational to trust God even when we do not fully understand what he is doing? One of the most illuminating answers was put forward by the Oxford ...
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Os Guinness Discovers God's Call
In the early days of his Christian life, Os Guinness believed that he had to prove his commitment to Christ by becoming a minister or missionary. So, ...
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Serving God in Your Work
Martin Luther was approached by a working man who wanted to know how he could serve God. Luther asked him, "What is your work now?" The man ...
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Finding Hope in Tragedy
After her daughter was born, Nancy [Guthrie] knew something was wrong. Though she named the baby Hope, there wasn't much to be hopeful about. Born ...
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