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Sermon Illustrations about Jobs

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Jobs to help bring your sermon to life.

Lottery Winner Vows to Continue Working

20-year-old James Clarkson works as a gas engineer trainee in North England, and has no plans of stopping. Of course, it would be unusual for any person ...

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Constant Motion: The American Experience

By the time they have turned eighteen, most Americans will have moved at least twice. Most thirty-year-olds will have moved six times. By the end of our ...

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Never Not Working

There is a reason God gave us the Sabbath rest. We need it. We were not created to work seven days a week. Yet, that is where we are headed as a culture, ...

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Death Doesn't Deter CEO Ambitions

Leadership can kill you. At least leadership in high stakes positions.

Nineteen chief executives died in office in 2023, the most since 2010, according ...

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Gen Z Workers Demoralized by Inconsistent Standards

According to Business Insider, a big turn off for Gen-Z workers is what workplace experts call “a double bind.” Jeanie Chang is an expert ...

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Helping the Homeless One Bike at a Time

Lack of transportation is an obstacle many homeless people face in rural areas without public buses as well as in big cities designed for cars. Without ...

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Does a Pay Raise Bring Happiness?

Does a pay raise bring happiness? Sometimes it will, but the level of happiness is often tied to how we compare our salaries to others.

According to a ...

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People Who Keep Working Well into Their 80’s

The first thing to know about people who shun retirement to work past age 80 is that they are probably busier, and possibly cooler, than you.

One said ...

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Untold Success: Black Men in America

It would surprise many Americans, regardless of their race, to know that 2.5 million American Black men are in the financial upper class, according to ...

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Building Cabinets for the Glory of God

Forty years ago, Steve Bell began building cabinets in his garage. Those humble beginnings have grown over the decades into Bellmont Cabinet Co., an award-winning ...

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