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Sermon Illustrations about Judgment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Judgment to help bring your sermon to life.

Facial Recognition Snafus Ensnare Innocent

A recent study by The Washington Post has revealed a startling number of cases where innocent people have been accused or arrested for crimes because ...

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America's Slow-Motion Suicide

There is a brilliant short interview on Patheos with Os Guinness based on his book, A Free People's Suicide. Guinness argues that America may be on ...

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Dad Sentenced for Drugging Daughter and Friends

Michael Meyden, a 57-year-old father was sentenced to two years in prison for spiking fruit smoothies with a prescription sedative during a sleepover, ...

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Buried Cables Leach Toxins

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, telecom companies have left behind a sprawling network of cables covered in toxic lead that stretches ...

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Are Ride-Sharing Ratings Fake?

Ride sharing apps (like Uber and Lyft) ratings have become almost meaningless. A recent report says, “Confusion over what constitutes 5-star behavior ...

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Most People Unafraid of What Happens After Death

Is there really an afterlife? While most people think humans will never be able to prove what happens after death, half of adults still believe their ...

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Man Issued Million Dollar Speeding Ticket

A man from Georgia found himself in shock after being handed a speeding ticket totaling a staggering $1.4 million. Connor Cato was pulled over in September ...

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Man Robs Shop Disguised by Cardboard Box

Claude Vincent Griffin, 33, was arrested in early June after being identified in security footage of a burglary at a phone repair shop. Griffin was seen ...

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Carjacking Foiled by Manual Transmission

When a local man was carjacked at a Sunoco gas station recently, he probably had no idea the perpetrators would be caught and his car recovered so quickly. ...

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Climate Change Is Leading to Bigger Hailstones

It was the height of summer in the UK and then the sky darkened. On the evening of July 21, 2021, hailstones the size of golf balls fell from the sky, ...

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