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Sermon Illustrations about Law & Grace

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Law & Grace to help bring your sermon to life.

Zoom Court Driver Unfairly Maligned

One of the lasting byproducts of the worldwide pandemic is the fact that many face-to-face institutional interactions of modern life have been conveniently ...

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Classic Legal Definitions Define God's Grace

What does it mean when the Bible says that we have been pardoned by God? Here are two classic definitions from American legal history:

First, in 1833, ...

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God Is Not Out to Get You

In an issue of CT magazine Pastor Jeremy Treat writes:

My high-school basketball coach was a classic, old-school screamer who motivated with fear and shame. ...

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Motorists Grab ‘Free’ Cash

Just outside Carlsbad, CA, a chaotic scene unfolded as several cars stopped in the middle of the I-5 freeway to grab money that spilled out. At 9:15 a.m., ...

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Inmate Refuses to Leave Prison After Acquittal

An inmate caused a mild drama in the Nigerian High Court after a judge acquitted him of all charges against him, but he refused and demanded to go back ...

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Black Children Jailed for Crime That Doesn't Exist

Judge Donna Scott Davenport was the subject of a recent ProPublica investigation because of the staggering rate at which children are arrested and put ...

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Communist Christ Casts the First Stone

A high school ethics textbook published by the Chinese government includes a revised version of John 8:3–11. In the Christian version, Jesus is ...

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Chick-fil-A is Closed Sunday, Except When They’re Not

The American fast food chain Chick-fil-A is a favorite among Christians for the owners’ unwavering stand against Sunday opening. But it turns out ...

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Fearful Adopted Child Finds Unconditional Love

In a recent skills article for PreachingToday, David Prince writes:

I know a family who adopted an older child from an unspeakably horrific orphanage in ...

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Breaking Free of the Overparenting Trap

Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the best-selling book How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap, has a popular TED talk video on what ...

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