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Sermon Illustrations about Leisure

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Leisure to help bring your sermon to life.

'Waiting Expert' Shares What Makes Waiting Difficult

In a New York Times article, journalist Alex Stone tells the story of how executives at a Houston airport faced and then solved a cascade of passenger ...

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Business Leaders Often Feel Burnt Out

Srinivasan S. Pillay, a psychiatrist and an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School who studies burnout, surveyed a random sample of 72 ...

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The Rush and Pressure of Modern Life

There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence. The rush and pressures of modern life are a form of its innate violence. To allow oneself to be carried ...

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Doctors Diagnose 'Hurry Sickness'

Half a century ago, an upholsterer from San Francisco made a curious discovery. He was called to a cardiologist's office to reupholster some chairs ...

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Astronaut Goes On Strike In Outer Space

In 1974 Colonel William Pogue became the first American to go on strike—in space. The astronaut was part of the last, and longest, manned mission ...

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Study Shows Cell Phone Separation Anxiety

Researchers from the University of Missouri wanted to know how subjects behaved when parted from their iPhones, so they recruited 208 students for a survey ...

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Medieval Peasants Had More Vacation Time than Many of Us

Life for a medieval peasant was no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease, and bursts of warfare. But you might envy him for one thing: ...

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Too Many Vitamins Can Harm Your Body

Your mom made you take your vitamins. Without vitamins, your body would develop skeletal defects, eye impairments, dermatitis, anemia—in essence, ...

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Film Critic Can no Longer Tolerate Violent Films

In the 1990s Rod Dreher was working as a professional film critic who reviewed numerous films with graphic violence. But just before the birth of his ...

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You Must Have Roots to Provide Shade

In his book Sensing Jesus, Zack Eswine shares about a time of intense busyness and over-commitment. Many people tried to get his attention, but he refused ...

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