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Sermon Illustrations about Lost

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lost to help bring your sermon to life.

A Relational Example of Rescuing the Lost

Author Nijay Gupta recounts the 1965-1966 story of a group of six boys who ran away from their homeland of Tonga.

The young boys stole a boat and headed ...

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Lack of Faith in the Reformation Nation

When Aaron Köhler tries to talk to people in Cottbus, Germany, about Jesus, church, and faith, he can’t assume they know what he’s talking ...

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Hero Cowboy Rescues Steer from Freeway

When officers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) were asked to provide traffic control for a recent incident, they didn’t know they were signing ...

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Woman Blessed After Returning Cash

Sixty-five-year-old Dianne Gordon had a job at VC’s Marketplace in Waterford Township, but she lived in White Lake Township. After her Jeep Liberty ...

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Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd

A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...

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The Pilgrim’s Crooked Progress

In a review of A.J. Swoboda’s book Dusty Roads, Leslie Fields writes:

We all have stories of getting lost. Here is one of mine: I crossed the Sahara ...

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Woman Finds Major Cash in Free Couch

Vicky Umodu needed furniture for her new home, so she responded to a Craigslist ad for a matching set of two sofas and a chair, all available for free. ...

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The Average Adult Loses 9 Items a Day

Most of us regularly lose things: keys, wallets, TV remotes, glasses, and phones. Some of us are more prone to misplacing things than others. It’s ...

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Failing to Answer the Rescuer

You can get a cellphone signal on the highest mountain in Colorado. If you get lost hiking that mountain, you should probably answer your phone — ...

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The World's Last Lost Tourist

49-year-old German brewery worker Erwin Kreuz blew his life savings on a once-in-a-lifetime birthday trip to San Francisco. He’d seen it on TV, ...

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