Sermon Illustrations about Lost
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lost to help bring your sermon to life.
The Sheep, the Pig, and Forgiveness
A farmer's sheep and pig had escaped. Together they had found a weak rail in the fence and had pressed upon it until it broke under their weight. ...
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The End of Reason in Society
Author Meghan O'Gieblyn, explores meaning, morality, and faith. She recalls the role of thinking and reason during her days at Bible College:
When ...
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Family Reunited with Their Lost Dog After a Whole Year
Three years ago, Debra Mejeur and her husband Steven took Lola on a trip to Elk Grove, a suburb of Chicago, to visit friends. Then they received a call ...
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There Are Still Honest People in the World
Laurie Fenby, was shopping at a garage sale in Rochester, New York and as she was leaving, she found a wallet on the ground. She looked inside and found ...
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Woman Reunited with Dog During Search for New Pet
Just when Aisha Nieves thought she was ready to give up and move on, she unexpectedly found exactly what she’d been looking for. Or, rather, who. ...
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The Repeatedly Lost Sheep
In a YouTube video, a young boy comes across a small sheep stuck headfirst in a long narrow trench which has been dug beside a road. The boy uses his ...
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Where the Gospel Hasn’t Gone
More than 5,000 people groups are without an indigenous Christian church, according to recent data from Joshua Project. Nearly 2 billion people—more ...
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GPS Directs Amazon Driver into Golf Cart Tunnel
Most golfers keep their driver in a bag with the rest of their clubs. So, when Bill Offer, the outside services supervisor at Boulder Pointe Golf Club, ...
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Anchor Needed to Prevent Lostness
Science writer Michael Bond is a bit of an expert in the traumatic subject of lostness. He writes that being lost is a fear that runs deep in our psyche ...
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Greyhound Gives Tickets to Runaways Who Want to Return Home
For over a decade, Greyhound Lines has partnered with the National Runaway Safeline--an organization that seeks to keep runaway and homeless youth safe--to ...
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