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Sermon Illustrations about Lostness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lostness to help bring your sermon to life.

Man Uses Drone to Find Lost Pets

After losing his dog for 19 days, one Utah man turned heartbreak into action, using cutting-edge drone technology to help others.

Keith Anderson’s ...

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Homeless Man's Honesty Prompts Lavish Charity

When Sarah Darling dropped some change into a homeless man's cup, she didn't notice anything amiss. But she quickly realized that her diamond ...

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Hiker Stranded After Being Abandoned by Coworkers

During an office hiking retreat in Colorado’s San Isabel National Forest, an unnamed worker was rescued after being abandoned by his colleagues ...

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Why Do Some People Always Get Lost?

Like many of the researchers who study how people find their way from place to place, David Uttal is a poor navigator. The cognitive scientist says, “When ...

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Diamond May Be Dethroned as Hardest Material

Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth, they rate a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. But on other carbon-rich planets, the jury ...

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‘Nones’ Now the Largest Religious Group

When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check “none.” A new study from Pew Research finds ...

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TV Cop Stops Filming to Help Lost Child

Mariska Hargitay has been playing the same fictional cop role for over 500 episodes of television, spanning over 25 years. Hargitay plays detective Olivia ...

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Remembering the Francis Key Bridge

At approximately 1:30 a.m. on March 26, 2024, a cargo ship leaving the Port of Baltimore struck the (I-695) Francis Scott Key Bridge. This caused a devastating ...

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‘Loneliest Sheep’ Rescued After Two Years

Britain's so-called "loneliest sheep," which was stuck at the foot of a remote cliff in Scotland for at least two years, has been rescued. ...

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Mud Miracle: Ring Found After Tornado

When a tornado hit Lamar County, Texas, Dakota Hudson and Lauren Patterson feared they would not survive. Hudson said, “We could feel the house ...

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