Sermon Illustrations about Lukewarmness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lukewarmness to help bring your sermon to life.
After All the Altar Calls
In his testimony in CT magazine, Johnathan Bailey tells how he went from repeatedly “getting saved,” to eternal life in Christ.
Jonathan grew ...
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Proving You’re Not Dead
Jeanne Pouchain knows she’s not dead. But she has to prove it in court. The 58-year-old French woman was declared dead by a court in 2017 during ...
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Chief Rabbi: When Judaism Is Easy People Lose Faith
Jonathan Sacks, the former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, once referenced what he called the "counter-intuitive phenomena of Jewish history"—a ...
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Loving God Only For His 'Trust Fund'
Tim Keller uses the following scenario to illustrate how we can sometimes love God just for the good stuff he's "supposed" to give us (based ...
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Marathoner Takes Short-cut to 'Victory'
Kendall Schler of Columbia, Mo. was the first to cross the finish line at the GO! St. Louis Marathon. Schler had her photo taken with Jackie Joyner-Kersee ...
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The Origin of 'Skin in the Game'
According to one story (which may be a legend), in the late 1960s, the now-iconic investor Warren Buffet pried seed money for his very first stock fund ...
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Original Version of Monopoly Became Hyper-competitive
It's easy to forget our initial God-given mission, just as it's easy to lose our first love for Christ and drift away from our call to follow ...
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People Who Buy Athletic Apparel but Don't Exercise
An article in The Wall Street Journal asks, "Why work out when you can just buy the clothes and look like you did?" The article explores a growing ...
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Film 'Gravity' Portrays Our Spiritual Condition
In the 2013 film, Gravity, Dr. Ryan Stone, played by Sandra Bullock, is a medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky, ...
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Starbucks' Junkies Get Coffee in Superstorm
On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy (unofficially known as "Superstorm Sandy") slammed into the coast of the Northeastern United States. The ...
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