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Sermon Illustrations about Marriage

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Marriage to help bring your sermon to life.

Groom Carries Wounded Bride Down the Aisle

Hannah Peterson was involved in a serious car accident just one month before her wedding in Ontario. She broke her pelvis in three places, punctured a ...

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What Real Romance Looks Like in Marriage

For a culture that's bought into the photo-shopped notion that romance equals euphoria, or blissful self-fulfillment, or nonstop infatuation, writer ...

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Millennials Prefer 'Commitment Phobia'

Elizabeth Landau, a 32-year-old single person, wrote in a Scientific American article that a lot of people her age (Millennials) are what she calls "commitment ...

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Planning a Wedding for Overseas Soldier

When America went to war after Pearl Harbor, many couples married rapidly as men were drafted into the armed services. In a typical scenario, a young ...

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Newlywed Couple Has First Dance in the Midst of a Traffic Jam

It's a common wedding scenario: ceremony takes place in one location, guests and wedding party hop in their cars and take a quick trip to the reception ...

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God 'Kisses' Humanity in the Incarnation

Editor's Note: The following well-known illustration is usually used in the context of speaking about the church ministering in the world. But it's ...

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Study Concludes Gratitude Strengthens Marriages

The key to a happy and lasting marriage might be as simple as regularly expressing gratitude. So report researchers from the University of Georgia in ...

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God Uses the Young but Saves His Best Work for the Mature

Os Guinness argues that God can use and has used people in their youth, but God also has accomplished some of his best work through people more advanced ...

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Advice from Divorce Lawyers about Social Media Use

A survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that 81 percent of lawyers said they'd seen an increase in divorce cases using evidence ...

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Scientist Exclaims the Wonder of a Tree's Roots

Science writer Hope Jahren shares an interesting fact about plants, especially how a tiny seed starts to put down roots—the most essential thing ...

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