Sermon Illustrations about Marriage
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Marriage to help bring your sermon to life.
Are We Alone in the Dark?
In his book, “I'd Like You More If You Were More Like Me,” John Ortberg writes about our need to meaningfully connect with others:
In 2015, ...
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Are Christian Men More Abusive?
In an article for Christianity Today, sociologist and researcher Brad Wilcox has investigated the claim that evangelical Protestantism is bad for marriage ...
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Self-Sacrificial Love Gives Way to Cheap Sex
Kevin, a 24-year-old college graduate from Denver, wants to get married someday and is "almost 100% positive" that he will. But not soon, he ...
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Missing a Groom, Italian Woman Decides to Symbolically 'Marry Herself'
Every little girl dreams of the day she gets to walk down the aisle in a white dress toward her "Prince Charming." But when a "Prince Charming" ...
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An Unrealistic Search for the Perfect Soul Mate
In his book, This Is Our Time Trevin Wax relates the following story:
In his provocative book Modern Romance, the actor and comedian Aziz Ansari describes ...
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Famous Musician's Wisdom on Marriage
The singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen (a Jew who seemed to have an interest in the person of Jesus Christ) once called marriage "the hottest furnace ...
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Marriage Therapist: Couples Need Role Model to Inspire Them
A recent This American Life podcast features an interview between Ira Glass, the podcast host, and a marriage therapist named Esther Perel. Ira Glass ...
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Middle-Aged Men Biggest Threat: Loneliness
Dr. Richard S. Schwartz, a Cambridge psychiatrist who has studied the problem of loneliness in America, notes that over four decades of studies have shown ...
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Actress Scarlet Johansson Says Monogamy Is Not Natural
After separating from her second husband, the actress Scarlet Johansson expressed her doubts about marriage. "I think the idea is romantic; it's ...
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Psychologists Say Self-Justification Chokes Love Out Of Relationship
In their book Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), social psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson describe how a fixation on our own righteousness ...
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