Sermon Illustrations about Maundy Thursday
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Maundy Thursday to help bring your sermon to life.
How Do You Measure Love?
In the fall of 1937, Ed Keefer was a senior in the school of engineering at the University of Toledo in Ohio. Tall, slender, and bespectacled, Keefer ...
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Engineering Abundant Life
In 2013, Micah Redding founded the Christian Transhumanist Association, a group bringing faith and ethics into transhumanist conversations. Transhumanists ...
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A Loving Witness in the Muslim World
In the days leading up to 9-11, fighting in Afghanistan between local groups and then the Taliban resulted in thousands of refugees pouring down into ...
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2,000 Obituaries Reveal the Most Common Word
National Public Radio recently aired a segment on dying well and what the living can learn from the lives of the deceased. The segment featured a marketing ...
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Holocaust Prisoners Survived by Mutual Self-Sacrifice
In 1943, 230 women were arrested as members of the French Resistance and sent to Birkenau concentration camp. Only 49 survived, but this in itself is ...
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Finding Christ's Presence in Cancer
On his 39th birthday, poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. He wrote frankly about the agonizing effects of his illness ...
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People Write Their Biggest Regrets
What's your biggest regret in life? If it's anything like these random New Yorkers, it has one very important word in it. Students from Strayer ...
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