Sermon Illustrations about Narcissism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Narcissism to help bring your sermon to life.
The Rats that Love Taking Selfies
Augustin Lignier, a photographer in Paris, created a photo booth for rats. He took inspiration from B.F. Skinner, the famous researcher who made The Skinner ...
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Dying to Our Selfies
Singer-songwriter and author Sandra McCracken writes in an issue of CT magazine:
Greek mythology may not be a guide to the Christian life, but I appreciate ...
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Two Stories Vying for Attention in Our Hearts
Author and pastor Mark Sayers says there are two stories competing for our minds and hearts. The first story is broadcast loudly across pop culture, social ...
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Woman Ran onto the Super Bowl Field for Fame
Kelly Kay Green wanted to be someone. So, she donned a specially made dress, chugged a Coors Light for courage, and ran onto the field at the Super Bowl ...
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‘Humility’ Is Really Our New Pride
Columnist David Brooks mocks what passes for humility these days. He points to a tweet from the president of the European Central Bank: “I was humbled ...
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Actress Says: "Only You Know What's Best for You'
A recent interview with actress Maria Fabriela de Faria, in Global Heroes from The Wall Street Journal, perfectly reveals our culture of self-centered ...
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Finishing the Marathon without Running It
The marathon is one of the most strenuous athletic events in sport. The Boston Marathon attracts the best runners in the world. The winner is automatically ...
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Pro Basketball Coach Exposes the ‘Disease of More’
NBA Hall of Fame coach Pat Riley popularized the term the “Disease of More.” Riley has noted that many championship pro teams in the NFL, ...
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Doctor Notes Rise in 'Selfie Wrist' Cases
It's a sign of the times--and maybe a sign of our culture. People are taking so many selfies, they're getting "Selfie Wrist." Tina Choi, ...
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Missing a Groom, Italian Woman Decides to Symbolically 'Marry Herself'
Every little girl dreams of the day she gets to walk down the aisle in a white dress toward her "Prince Charming." But when a "Prince Charming" ...
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