Sermon Illustrations about Narcissism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Narcissism to help bring your sermon to life.
Missing a Groom, Italian Woman Decides to Symbolically 'Marry Herself'
Every little girl dreams of the day she gets to walk down the aisle in a white dress toward her "Prince Charming." But when a "Prince Charming" ...
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This is the Age of the Narcissist
In "The Era of the Narcissist," Aaron Kheriaty points out the self-absorption of our era:
Of all the amazing features of the medieval cathedrals, ...
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'NY Times' Article Asks, 'When Did Humility Get So Vainglorious?'
An article in the New York Times observes how "humility is not what it used to be." As a matter of fact, it may be the exact opposite of what ...
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Millennials Prefer 'Commitment Phobia'
Elizabeth Landau, a 32-year-old single person, wrote in a Scientific American article that a lot of people her age (Millennials) are what she calls "commitment ...
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The Religion That Brings People the Greatest Happiness
In a question and answer period after one of his lectures, C.S. Lewis was asked which of the world's religions gives its followers the greatest happiness. ...
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Poll Reveals Our Six-Part 'New Moral Code'
An August 2015 poll from Barna highlighted what's been called our "new moral code." Here are the percentages of those who agreed "completely" ...
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Selfies: Officially More Deadly than Sharks
Selfies-they might seem a bit narcissistic at times, but on the whole they're harmless, right? Not according to the numbers. Reports say that this ...
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Lord Farquaad Displays Selfishness
The animated movie Shrek gets so many things right about our lives. One such example is the pitiful little king of the land, Lord Farquaad. Farquaad is ...
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Dating App Helps People Connect for Sex
An article in Vanity Fair contains some shocking quotes and vignettes about a website that connects people for the sole purpose of having sex. Marty, ...
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Parents Create Narcissistic Children
The Washington Post writing about a study opines that parents are to blame for the growing narcissism in the world, rather than the influence of, say, ...
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