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Sermon Illustrations about Omnipotence of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Omnipotence of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Pregnant Stingray Confounds Experts

“Life will not be contained, life breaks free, it expands to new territories, it crashes into barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously,” ...

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The Elf on the Shelf Now Has a Santa Cam

Todd Brewer writes in an edition of Mockingbird:

Happy Holidays! Happy Advent! Happy Elf on the Shelf? Ha, there’s nothing happy about that Elf reporting ...

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Climate Change Is Leading to Bigger Hailstones

It was the height of summer in the UK and then the sky darkened. On the evening of July 21, 2021, hailstones the size of golf balls fell from the sky, ...

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We Believe in God

The US has long ranked high among the world’s nations in its level of religious belief. But the Pew Research Center examined just what 80 percent ...

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Scientists Are Struggling to Understand the Universe

University of Oxford professor of astrophysics Pedro Ferreira is puzzled, as most physicists are, about the origins and basic elements of the universe. ...

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A Neuroscientist on the Limits of Man’s Knowledge and Understanding

Science has come very far in understanding how the human body works. But scientists admit understanding the human brain is still in its pioneering stage. ...

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Mall Promotion Tasks Inventors with Making Impossible Gifts Real

The marketing team at Lakeside Shopping Centre are accustomed to the difficulty of getting the attention of a fickle shopping public. But recently, they ...

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The Military Doctrine of Shock and Awe

In 1996 two military strategists, Harlan Uliman and James Wade, started advocating a more focused approach to war. Uliman and Wade argued for engaging ...

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Secular Sources on Our Need For Awe

The March/April 2016 issue of Psychology Today attempted to give readers several reasons to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder with their article "It's ...

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From the Point of View of God

We've all at least seen it, if not participated—the bizarre trend of taking pictures of our food to share on social media. But what is the most ...

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