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Sermon Illustrations about Opinion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Opinion to help bring your sermon to life.

The Secret to a Younger You

In 1979 Dr. Ellen Langer, a Psychology Professor at Harvard, designed a weeklong experiment for a group of 75-year-old men. The men knew very little about ...

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Singer Billie Eilish Deletes Her Social Media Apps

Grammy award-winning singer Billie Eilish says she has deleted her social media apps from her phone due to her complicated relationship with the internet. ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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The Transience of Human 'Truth'

A clip from a Pursuit of Wonder video illustrates how man's ideas of what is true often turns out to be completely false.

In Peru in the middle of ...

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President Lincoln Wasn’t Tied to ‘Opinion Polls’

Wall Street Journal writer Joseph Epstein notes that the opinion poll has been around for more than a century. They gained authority in the 1940s with ...

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Future Predictions for the Year 2000

In the year 1900, a German chocolate company released 12 postcards predicting what life would be like 100 years in the future. So how close were they ...

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Woman Pronounced Dead Later Found Alive in Funeral Home

A 20-year-old woman with cerebral palsy was pronounced dead by paramedics, and placed in a body bag. Three hours later, she was found alive. The ordeal ...

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The Snare of Moral Grandstanding

Do some Christians harm their witness by falling into the trap of “moral grandstanding” or “virtue signaling”? Or do we convey ...

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Taylor Swift’s Life Centered Around Being ‘Good Enough’

Some people know that the musicians, Taylor Swift and Kanye West, had a very public falling out in 2016. What people didn't know until recently was ...

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The Resurrection is Based on Objective Facts not Personal Opinion

Jesus’ resurrection either happened or it didn't. It is objective reality; and so it cannot be true for one person and false for another. To ...

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