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Sermon Illustrations about Parenthood

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parenthood to help bring your sermon to life.

The Good Book for Baby Names

The influence of Christianity has declined in the United States. Yet in maternity wards across the country, when newborns scrunch up their tiny faces ...

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Father and Daughter Bond Through Encouragement

Former Oregon Ducks star Greg Bell remembers a pivotal moment that changed his relationship with his daughter Sofia.

Greg had just finished watching Sofia, ...

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Coach Offers to Adopt Players’ Unwanted Babies

After celebrating his national championship as the head football coach for the Michigan Wolverines, Jim Harbaugh made a surprise appearance at the March ...

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Child Hears ‘Monsters’ in Bedroom

Ashley Class was initially unconcerned when her oldest child complained about monsters in her room. Ashley said, “She was saying she heard monsters ...

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Parenting Is Much Harder Than Parents Expect

In a nod to the adage about family life that parenting is the hardest job in the world, most parents (62%) say being a parent has been at least somewhat ...

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Parents Struggle to Answer Kids’ Questions

If you’re a young parent, you’re probably used to hearing “Why?” a lot! With that in mind, a new survey finds moms and dads field ...

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New Research on Parent’s Priorities and Challenges

The Pew Research Center released a new survey on parenting in America today (2023). Here are some highlights:

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and ...

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College Students Suffer Alcohol-Related Consequences

It’s no secret that many college students spend much of their four years at school drinking way more than they probably should. Now, a new study ...

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The Dignity of Diapering a Baby

Pastor Bryan Chapell writes in his recent book Grace at Work:

My musician wife, Kathy, talks about a time that she was chang­ing a particularly yucky ...

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1 In 6 Haven’t Sent Mom a Gift in a Year!

Did you drop the ball this Mother’s Day and forget to pick up a gift for your mom? You’re not alone. A new survey has found that one in six ...

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