Sermon Illustrations about Parenthood
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parenthood to help bring your sermon to life.
Loving Children Takes a Physical Toll on Parents
Quartz reported on new research confirming that “Being a good parent will physiologically destroy you.”
Researchers surveyed 247 pairs of parents ...
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Frazzled Families Pay for Advice from Parenting Coaches
When it comes to bedtime, homework, or managing meltdowns, a growing number of families aren’t relying on their peers or parents: They’re ...
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Breaking Free of the Overparenting Trap
Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the best-selling book How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap, has a popular TED talk video on what ...
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'Our Father' Only Possible Through Sonship of Jesus
Todd Wilson writes in "The Gift of the Son: Everlasting Father”:
God is the creator and sustainer and judge of humanity. But the Bible wants ...
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Girl Had 50 Questions for Father, but didn't want Answers
An episode of the This American Life podcast explored the touching relationship of a single dad, Matt Salyer, and his daughter, Rosie. When she was nine-years-old, ...
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A Boy Who Dreams of Being a Cop Calls 911 on His Dad
A Boston-area boy taught his father a lesson when he called the cops after his dad ran a red light. When Mike Richardson turned right at a red light (a ...
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Hungry Eight-Year-Old Drives to McDonald's
What would you do for a cheeseburger?
If you're an eight-year-old Ohio boy whose parents have already gone to bed, then you might just watch some YouTube ...
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Developmentally Disabled Son Recognizes His Mother in Answer to Prayer
Chicago-area pastor Lee Eclov tells the following story about a woman named Cathy who had a profoundly developmentally disabled son.
When Nicholas was ...
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What Happens When Parents are Rude in the Hospital?
The New York Times reported on an interesting study in an article titled "What Happens When Parents are Rude in the Hospital." A researcher ...
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Christian Couple Fears Daughter Will Ruin Her Life as a Missionary
We in the American church are facing a time of testing. Our testing may not look like the testing of what the church in China is undergoing, or the church ...
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