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Sermon Illustrations about Parents

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Parents to help bring your sermon to life.

Sharing Ministry with Your Family

In rearing their children, the [Luis] Palaus emphasized not only learning about life in other nations, but helping to make a difference. When possible, ...

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Jesus in My Heart

My four-year-old granddaughter, Amanda, went to the doctor's office with a fever. The doctor looked in her ears and said, "Who's in there? ...

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Taking Children to Heaven

The only thing that parents can take to heaven is their children.

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Righteousness Starts at Home

Abraham was chosen to be a blessing to the whole earth, but his vocation was to begin to take effect in the simplest way. He was called to teach his own ...

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Check, Please!

My mother volunteered to help me with my wedding invitations while I visited her and my father in North Carolina. We spent two long nights addressing ...

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Where Do Kids Learn about Sex?

Speaker Josh McDowell conducted a survey of teenagers from evangelical churches and discovered they had learned about sex from the following sources (respondents ...

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Locked up Tight

One night I went into my 8-year-old daughter's bedroom to pray with her before she went to sleep. In the course of her prayer she said, "Jesus, ...

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Parenting: Always a Surprise

Sometimes parenting can be like bungee jumping: you don't know what will happen until you reach the end of your rope!

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Worship Begins at Home

In early America, home was a sanctuary of worship; the father was the priest of his own household; the open Bible was the sourcebook for Christian worship, ...

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