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Sermon Illustrations about Politics

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Politics to help bring your sermon to life.

Christianity Is the World’s Most Persecuted Religion

The group Open Doors USA figures that in 2023, 360 million Christians lived in countries where persecution was “significant.” Roughly 5,600 ...

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Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division

Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:

“‘I’m ...

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Country Singer Leaving Nashville for Traveling Ministry

In the fall of 2023, singer Oliver Anthony got his big break in the music industry with his song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” a scathing ...

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World Leaders Tracked Via Fitness Apps

An investigation by the French newspaper Le Monde revealed a potential security threat for several world leaders. The confidential movements of France’s ...

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Pizza Chain Apologizes for Mocking Beloved Former Mayor

A popular pizza chain known for its snarky ad campaigns has been forced to apologize after a sustained public outcry over its latest special. In early ...

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Christians Are to Be Servants, Not Overlords

Many American Christians believe they can achieve Christ's kingdom on earth through political means, by dominating the culture. Author Tim Alberta, ...

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Transportation Group Rescinds Endorsement After Parking Scandal

In September 2024, a Portland, Oregon advocacy group for safe and sustainable transportation rescinded its endorsement of mayoral candidate Carmen Rubio. ...

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The Decline of the Mainline Church

The decline of the church in America is posing tremendous cultural problems. And sociologists are beginning to sound the alarm.

Once upon a time, America ...

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U.S. Trust in Government Hits New Low

Americans' trust in government has hit an all-time low. But that lack of trust hasn't always been a part of the American experience. A chart published ...

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Persecution of Christians in Occupied Ukraine

For some governments, persecuting Christians is the default mode. Matthew Luxmoore reports that Evangelical churches are being targeted by Moscow in Russian-held ...

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