Sermon Illustrations about Pornography
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Pornography to help bring your sermon to life.
We Avoid Dealing with Sexual Lust
John Freeman writes in an article titled: "Sex and the Silence of the Church”:
In today's highly-charged sexual culture, almost no one is ...
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New Consequence of Online Porn
One of the most devastating repercussions of pervasive online porn use by young men is its distorting effects on relationships. Men are finding that "real ...
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Eight Harmful Effects of Pornography
After reviewing a number of research studies, a few years ago Men's Health magazine summarized the following eight harmful effects of porn:
1) It is ...
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Sex Addiction Has Become a "National Epidemic"
"Sex addiction" remains a controversial designation—often dismissed as a myth or providing talk-show punchlines thanks to high-profile ...
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Sexual Immorality Starts with a Battle for Our Mind
In his book Eyes of Integrity, Craig Gross contends that our battle with sexual immorality (and other sins) often begins in the mind. Then he shares the ...
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The Stages of Pornography Addiction
In his book Wired for Intimacy, Christian psychologist William M. Struthers lists the following stages of how men get hooked on pornography:
- Denial—"Sure," they may say, "I've looked at it in the past, but I don't anymore." Most men will confess their struggle with pornography only under the conditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
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C. S. Lewis on Killing the "Red Lizard" of Sin
In his book, The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis tells of a busload of people who travel to heaven on their way to take up residence in hell. These people ...
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Jesus' Mercy for People Struggling with Pornography
In his book Closing the Window, Tim Chester shares the following quotes from men who have struggled with the guilt and condemnation that comes from viewing ...
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What Does Your Internet Trail Say About You?
In his book The Next Story Tim Challies writes:
In 2006, America Online made an epic misjudgment. As part of a research project … the company made ...
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Pornography a "Quiet Family Killer"
In December of 2009, the Family Research Council released the results of a new study exploring the effects of pornography on marriage, children, and individuals. ...
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