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Sermon Illustrations about Poverty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Poverty to help bring your sermon to life.

The World’s Most Expensive Meals

Fine dining typically means splurging a little for high-quality meat or fresh seafood. But what if money were truly no object?

Restaurant owners and chefs ...

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Homeless Man's Honesty Prompts Lavish Charity

When Sarah Darling dropped some change into a homeless man's cup, she didn't notice anything amiss. But she quickly realized that her diamond ...

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Education Employees Steal Trips from Homeless Youth

A report released by the New York City public school district alleges that school employees misused funds intended for homeless students' enrichment ...

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DOJ Blames Software Algorithm for Rent Hikes

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed suit against Texas company RealPage, alleging that the company violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by enabling ...

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Helping the Homeless One Bike at a Time

Lack of transportation is an obstacle many homeless people face in rural areas without public buses as well as in big cities designed for cars. Without ...

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Untold Success: Black Men in America

It would surprise many Americans, regardless of their race, to know that 2.5 million American Black men are in the financial upper class, according to ...

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Media Overlooks Ten Worst Humanitarian Crises

For the past eight years, the non-profit organization CARE has been tracking what it calls the year’s ten worst humanitarian crises. This year places ...

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Teaching Personal Responsibility Over Victimhood

In an article for The National Review researchers Wendy Wang and Brad Wilcox reveal the irrefutable evidence for instilling in youth the values of personal ...

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Isolated Tribes Find Happiness Beyond Materialism

People living in remote Indigenous communities are as happy as those in wealthy developed countries despite having “very little money,” according ...

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Flo Finds Contentment

She is the most famous celebrity whose name you don’t know: the actress who plays Flo in all those Progressive commercials. Yes, she is a real person. ...

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