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Sermon Illustrations about Prayer, Persistence in

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prayer, Persistence in to help bring your sermon to life.

How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life

An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:

Multitasking ...

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An Ordinary Guy’s Supreme Court Battle

The U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on a small number of cases, and most of the cases have national implications—except in the strange case of Stuart ...

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Former Abortion Doctor Converted to Christ

Former abortion doctor Patti Giebenk tells the following story about the woman who prayed her into a lifechanging encounter with Jesus:

During my lengthy ...

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How to Thank God Like a Two-Year-Old

We may sometimes toss around the expression "faith like a child." Maybe we should ask South Carolina toddler Sutton Whitt what she thinks of ...

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How Billy Graham Prayed Continually

Author Skye Jethani tells the story of how Billy Graham modeled praying continually:

In 1982, the Today show in New York City scheduled an interview with ...

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On Earth as it Is in Flight

Singer/Songwriter Sandra McCracken writes in CT magazine:

There’s a call button above every seat on commercial airplanes. In all my travels, I don’t ...

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God Answers Prayer--Sometimes Before We Ask

Dr. Helen Roseveare, missionary to the Congo, told the story of a mother on her mission station who died after giving birth to a premature baby. They ...

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Audacious NFL Walk-On Rookie Scored 86-Yard TD

In a preseason game against Washington, Cleveland Browns rookie receiver Damon Sheehy-Guiseppi returned a punt 86 yards for a touchdown. Not only were ...

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Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline

John Piper writes: “My own serious consideration of fasting as a spiritual discipline began as a result of visiting Dr. Joon Gon Kim in Seoul, Korea. ...

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Banned Soccer Fan Rents Crane to Watch Match

An enterprising soccer fan made heads turn when he found a way to circumvent the rules preventing him from enjoying his favorite team.

Ali Demirkaya, nicknamed ...

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