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Sermon Illustrations about Presence of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Presence of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Missing the Sustenance of God Because of Self-centeredness

Pastor David Shelley shares a personal story that illustrates well the fact that though we were created to hear the words of God and to respond to them, ...

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Power Outage Teaches Church a Valuable Lesson

In an article for Leadershipjournal.net, pastor Clark Cothern shares how a power outage at his church revealed the power of God:

Our church meets in a ...

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Dying Man Finds Hope in Jesus

In his book Deserted by God?, author and pastor Sinclair Ferguson shares the following story:

The first physician to die of the AIDS virus in the United ...

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Petitions That Honor Our King

Travel back 200 years in Christian history to John Newton, the slave-trader-turned-pastor and hymn writer. He would receive almost unbelievable answers ...

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How Big Is Your God?

In his sermon “Big God, Little God” John Ortberg said:

Many years ago I was walking in Newport Beach, a beach in Southern California, with ...

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Eugene Peterson on Our Dangerous Faith

Sometimes I think that all religious sites should be posted with signs reading, "Beware the God." The places and occasions that people gather ...

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The Importance of Intentionality

Alan Kraft writes in “Good News for Those Trying Harder”:

Not long ago, I read that a person my age should drink 16 glasses of water a day. ...

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How the Internet Creates a "Permanent Puberty of the Mind"

Before Shane Hipps became a Mennonite pastor, he was a former strategic planner in advertising. In both vocations, he has learned a great deal about how ...

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Finding God in Iraq

In 1993, Lt. Col. Gary Morsch joined the Army Reserves as a doctor to care not only for U.S. soldiers, but also for wounded civilians and prisoners of ...

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Soldier Experiences Protective Hand of God

While serving in Iraq, Courtney Birdsey experienced the protective hand of God, forever changing her. She says:

On one of [our] missions, my unit made ...

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