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Sermon Illustrations about Presence of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Presence of God to help bring your sermon to life.

WWII Prisoner of War Converted, Becomes Missionary to Japan

On April 18, 1942, Army Corporal Jacob DeShazer boarded a bomber plane with his pilot, Lieutenant William Farrow, and a co-pilot, navigator, and rear ...

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Lent: Cleaning Out the Hidden Corners of Our Hearts

In the daily round of life, dust and cobwebs accumulate in our souls. The hidden corners of our hearts become encrusted with grime or filled with forgotten ...

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An Awful, Awesome God

Marva J. Dawn writes in “Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down”:

I remember an animated discussion with my high school freshman English teacher ...

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Lent: A Time to Stop Doing and Try Being

Maybe Lent is a good time to stop doing and try being. … Relinquishment lies at the heart of the Christian gospel and is a countercultural choice ...

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Darrell Waltrip on Track Instincts

Racing driver Darrell Waltrip writes:

Racing drivers must use all their senses. When you're in tune with the car, it speaks to you with a small voice. ...

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The Discipline of Listening

Discernment involves listening with love and attention to our experiences, to each other, to the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit deep within ourselves ...

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Bono on Spiritual Formation

Your nature is a hard thing to change; it takes time…. I have heard of people who have life-changing, miraculous turnarounds, people set free from ...

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Christian Life: Getting a Feel for the Game

A common theme in modern Christianity has been that head knowledge is how one becomes more adept at following Christ: the more you know, the better you'll ...

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Girl Shows Courage in Haiti

Pastor Mike Breaux tells the following story of when his daughter Jodie answered God's call to go into missions work:

During her junior year of high ...

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World Can't Steal the Ascension

Ascension Day is the perfect church holiday because the world can't steal it. The culture around us has quite ruined Christmas and Easter. Of course, ...

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