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Sermon Illustrations about Presence of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Presence of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Twin Towers Survivor Secure in God's Hands

If ever Genelle Guzman McMillan needed to know she was being held in the strong arms of a God she couldn't see, it was now.

It was just after 12:30 ...

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Young Man Relies on Christ in Sickness

I've been around college students a long time, and you can't help but have your favorites. One of my favorites was a kid named Tim Vanderveen ...

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Jonathan Edwards on God's Surprising Ways

[Jonathan] Edwards first encountered God in an intensely experiential way while reading 1 Timothy 1:17: "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, ...

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Intimacy with God Despite Our Imperfection

Spirituality is not a formula; it is not a test. It is a relationship. Spirituality is not about competency; it is about intimacy. Spirituality is not ...

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Suffering Can Give Us Perfect Vision

Princeton professor James Loder wrote movingly how his life was redirected by a near-death experience as a result of an auto accident. In reflecting on ...

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Christ Prepares the Way in Daily Activities

There is a text for [finding Christ in daily events] in St. Mark's Gospel: "He has risen,…he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see ...

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Father Comforts Child Through a Mail Slot

Author Garry Friesen writes: When my friend Reilly told me about his first visit to our church, I learned something about prayer. Reilly says that after ...

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H. B. London on Mysteries That Stretch Our Faith

H. B. London writes in “They Call Me Pastor:”

Four doctors in surgical greens stood before Dave and Jana at the Huntington Memorial Hospital ...

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God Works Out Salvation Through Suffering

Suffering is not evidence of God's absence, but of God's presence, and it is in our experience of being broken that God does his surest and most ...

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Mel Gibson's Near-Death Experience

Mel Gibson recounts a near-death experience in his youth. While attempting to pass a slow truck on a winding road, he was nearly hit by oncoming traffic: ...

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