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Sermon Illustrations about Prince of Peace

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prince of Peace to help bring your sermon to life.

The World of Replacement Alcohol

While booze has, for thousands of years now, been the most socially acceptable form of self-medication, its many health detriments have pushed some to ...

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Did Humans Ever Live in Peace?

In an article in The Atlantic, Ross Andersen raises the question: "Did Humans Ever Live in Peace?"

Archeologists have long had evidence of conflict ...

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Happiness Guru Never Found His Own Happiness

Tony Hsieh (pronounced “Shay”) wanted to promote happiness and world peace. The brilliant business guru took over Zappos soon after it was ...

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Controversy Surrounding Use of Autonomous Weapons

At a United Nations gathering, delegates from both Ukraine and Russia disagreed fiercely on how the meeting should proceed. But the gathering was not ...

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A Carol for the Despairing

“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” is a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, later set to music. It was written over the Christmas of either ...

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Needed: A Prince of Peace

In the depths of World War II, Swedish authorities decided their citizens needed to know what to do if the fighting finally arrived on their doorstep. ...

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The Woman Who Was Too Busy for Christmas

The Italians have a legend about a woman named Befana who lived along the dusty road that led to Bethlehem. She was her village’s best housekeeper. ...

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Americans Are Among the Most Anxious People on Earth

According to the New York Times, Americans are among the most anxious people on earth. One study found that Americans were significantly more anxious ...

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No Peace Without the Prince

Our trouble is we want the peace without the Prince.

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